Friday, June 10, 2011


While playing tourist in Old Colorado City, I decided to try something a little different.  I happened upon a fun little shop called Yobel Market.  Among the fantastic fabrics and furniture was an ancient unassuming traveler’s case.  Though it had inherent qualities I’m sure, they went completely unnoticed, because the interior was filled with chocolate.  Chocolate!  One of the Divine chocolate bars called itself Coffee Milk Chocolate.  How could I resist the chance?  This certainly was not the first bar of coffee chocolate I have ever seen, but it was the first that day, and I felt especially hungry.  Fate had brought us together.

I am not a huge fan of milk chocolate usually.  I like very dark, rich chocolate, particularly with nuts or some other texture.  I must preface all remarks with that, because many do not have the same tastes, and should not be swayed by my opinion. 

The chocolate was creamy, smooth, and extremely soft.  It seemed able to melt with only the slightest touch.  The taste was not so.  The flavor of coffee was so strong that I could hardly taste the chocolate at all.  The sweetness was nearly overpowering and long-lasting.  When drinking coffee, the flavor can be swallowed, ignored, and quickly forgotten if necessary.  With this chocolate, it melted through my mouth, clung to my tongue, and stuck to my teeth.  It lingered much past its time of welcome.

I wish there would have been some depth to the flavor or some texture involved.  It was just coffee.  There is a “just plain coffee” taste that I associate with my childhood.  When I was a little girl, my grandpa would take me for a walk early in the morning, with the birds chirping, the sun shining, and the trees of Salem often dripping with the dew of dawn.  Inevitably, our journey would end at Dunkin Donuts.  He would sit at the bar, drinking coffee, talking with his buddies, and I would consume the biggest most icing-and-sprinkle-covered donut they had.  I truly think they knew when I was coming.  I have never seen such icing creations as they made when I would show up with grandpa.  That moment in time has a certain smell to it.  It is sweetness and donuts, but it is predominantly coffee.  I can’t describe it with any further detail.  Just coffee and old guys.  For that memory, I am thankful to Divine chocolate.  To have to taste coffee and old guys… not so thankful.  

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